
Friends of Lake Drive Books,

Before publishing, my training and background was in psychology, psych and religion to be more specific. If there was one thing that impacted me the most about that education and study, it is the fact that we are so incredibly determined by our past experiences.

Fortunately for us today, the mental health community and most of us in the general public are all more aware of the impact of our past experiences, and we’ve often given them a word that now has so much acceptance: trauma.

You might be aware of experts or specialists who can tell you about how trauma works, and perhaps most of all legitimize it as a real clinical if now outright spiritual, medical, and physical challenge. If that’s you, I hope you know that help is available, and please do consider the assistance of a trained professional.

But then the question becomes, how do you continue to journey with your trauma? When you’re on such a journey, it’s good to have friends and compatriots who have done just that, and who understand and can empathize.

That’s who Lemuel Blackett is. He can come along side you, offer real talk, real encouragement, and real healing.

In Help, I’m Dealing with Trauma, pastor Lemuel R.T. Blackett reveals honest, heartbreaking experiences growing up in a struggling family in London and then New York. He witnessed trauma and at times was himself on the brink of self-destruction. He shares his insecurities, disappointments, loss, betrayal, even church hurt, experiences that have left him resistant to letting his guard down. He shows you the way trauma can show up in different areas of life. Though a minister, he avoids sugar coating religious jargon and brings you real stories about how he found his way through with prayer, therapy, and simple patience and strength of will, and that you can too.

Pastor, author, and speaker Tisha Dixon-Williams says, “In Help, I’m Dealing with Trauma, Lemuel Blackett masterfully gives context to a common cry. He has written a must-read work for anyone struggling with trauma and its subsequent trials. From funerals to faith, Reverend Blackett invites the reader to join him on an intimate journey of self-discovery complete with a roller coaster of emotions and real-life experiences. So, strap in, hold on, and enjoy the ride!”

Our past experiences might shape us (and even our past religious experiences that are so formative), but we can find coping strategies, we can find new growth, and we can take who these experience made us to be and find transformation.

I want to encourage you to check out Lemuel’s book. And hear Lemuel himself talk about it in the video below.

This is work we all need to do. And let others know about Help, I’m Dealing with Trauma.


David Morris, Publisher