
Trey is not only pushing us toward bigger theologies that can hold the totality of who we are. He is calling for us to embrace better theologies—theologies that fully honor our humanity and the God who fashioned us as good creation. —Candice Marie Benbow, author of Red Lip Theology

Friends of Lake Drive Books,

By far one of our biggest challenges in the world of religion and spirituality is how these matters are far more socially constructed than we might think.

The sheer fact that we are so inclined to think of religion foremost as belief, based on an immutable sacred text, is by and large a social construction. What about reason and science? What about real life in today’s world? What about ritual? What about being ethical in our relationships when the Bible nor our beliefs don’t really have much to say about some of the things we are learning about ourselves today?

The effect of a highly socially constructed religious culture often means that there’s little room for curiosity, creativity, and imagination. And as a person who has studied psychology and religion, I say this: it’s not always healthy nor very mature.

That’s why I’m truly excited for Theologizin’ Bigger: Homilies on Living Freely and Loving Wholly. Author Trey Ferguson, when you meet him on Twitter/X, in person, or in his book, is someone who has uniquely preserved his spiritual curiosity. So when you read Theologizin’ Bigger, when you see what Ferguson has to say about the Bible, religion in America, imagination, and human living, you’ll find him saying things you haven’t quite thought about before, or maybe you did but you hadn’t found the words. He doesn’t just argue you into it, he shows you what he’s talking about. And by the time you finish the book, you’ll start wondering and imagining in new, unexpected ways, even if just on a micro level.

Our spiritually creative mind could use some strength and conditioning. That’s what can lead to a healthy religious life, however you define it, and even to individual maturity. Don’t let Trey’s accessible writing, or his lively theologizin’ fool you. It will surprise you, turn your head around, and lead you in good directions.

It’s on sale today!

Learn more, download an excerpt, see Trey Ferguson talking about it, and BUY it here.

David Morris, Publisher

Lake Drive Books

Prophets are rare in our culture and poets are needed in this challenging contemporary moment. Trey Ferguson is a poet and a prophet for such a time as this.
Otis Moss, III, Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, and author of 
Dancing in the Darkness