
On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, Authors Shannon Evans and Julia Rocchi Talked about What We Do with Our Faith at Midlife

Julia Rocchi, author of Amen? Questions for a God I Hope Exists, was turning 40 in July … and having a midlife crisis of faith. To help navigate this new terrain, she turned to author, speaker, and retreat guide Shannon Evans, a fellow “elder Millennial” whose three extra months of being 40 means she’s got it all figured it out. (Spoiler alert: She doesn’t.)

So what are the answers to:

  • How do I nurture hope when the world seems to be burning down around me?
  • How do I inspire my children to believe in something bigger than themselves?
  • How do I cultivate the courage to transform faith into action?

Lake Drive Books is thrilled to have helped make happen this free-flowing conversation as these two women go deep on writing, spirituality, parenthood, purpose, and all the other elements that make up life at this stage. No matter your age, you’ll encounter warmth, humor, and wisdom to accompany you on your own winding spiritual journey.

Shannon K. Evans, is the spirituality and culture editor at the National Catholic Reporter and the author of the books Feminist Prayers for My Daughter: Powerful Petitions for Every Stage of Her Life and Rewilding Motherhood: Your Path to an Empowered Feminine Spirituality. With interest in ecofeminism, social change and contemplative practice, Shannon leads workshops and retreats across the country that spark curiosity and compassion. She has partnered with the Jesuits of Canada and the U.S. and is a frequent contributor to Franciscan Media. Shannon loves to travel, but is happiest at home on the Iowa prairie with her family and beloved chickens. Follow her Substack weekly email: shannonkevans.substack.com and find Feminist Prayers for My Daughter at https://bakerbookhouse.com/products/466175

Feminist Prayer for My Daughter

As the author of Amen? Questions for a God I Hope Exists, Julia Rocchi writes prose, poetry, prayers, and a lot of thank-you notes. With an MA in Writing from Johns Hopkins University, she has garnered multiple story publications and honors, including First Place in the Saturday Evening Post’s Great American Fiction Contest. Julia also works in nonprofit marketing, facilitates gatherings, and performs improv comedy. As an ENFJ, Enneagram 2, and Cancer sign, she’s never met a personality indicator she disagreed with. Julia lives with her family in Arlington, Virginia. Visit juliarocchi.com to follow her on her blog or on social media.

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