
There really is life—real life—after the evangelical church, but we’re only just beginning to figure it out.

Jeff Elkins, a graduate of Baylor University and Truett Seminary, began as a pastor for a college ministry in Texas, then moved to an inner-city church in Baltimore, then to a declining suburban church north of the city, and finally to leaving the ministry altogether and becoming a writer for a tech company.

Jeff went from warrior for evangelicalism to the guy people now turn to when they themselves are leaving church. But what concerns Jeff the most? His children, and yours. What kind of religion can they turn to when so much of it is holding up a failed evangelicalism? With fresh looks at the Bible and more authentic ideas about what it means to follow Jesus, his forthcoming book will bring a sense of mourning the past, our regrets about evangelicalism, as well as a hope for a life of faith that is so, so much more.

His new book will be picked up by everyday seekers, lay leaders, and post-evangelical pastors and their networks to add to the boatloads of imagination we need to find our way forward spiritually and religiously in our time to come.

What’s more about Jeff, you’ll love how he’s reinvented himself and invested in work as a novelist of more than 10 novels and 100 short stories about “outsiders who fight for outcasts, rejects, and the forgotten leaving community in their wake.”

Jeff is also a certified Three-Story Method Editor and the host of the Dialogue Doctor. He’s also co-host with Leigh Erdman of the newly launched Just Came for the Tacos, a podcast about life after the evangelical church.

Welcome Jeff!

David Morris, Publisher