
One of the things about all the fluidity and change going on in the virtual and physical spaces for faith and religion right now is that we often feel alone. There’s a sense of isolation, even with the seemingly unlimited possibilities to find people with shared interests especially in digitial spaces.

We also at times wonder if there’s any consensus, or more to the point, if there’s any place where we can talk freely and safely about what’s on our minds with how we define our religion, knowing we don’t all have the same exact perspective.

That’s why I’m so encouraged to see the leadership going on right now to cultivate conversation. There are some events that like the below examples are outright promoted to wide audiences, and others more behind the scenes. It seems more opportunities than ever are happening right now, this fall, or just happened, and let me briefly list them here. Take a look!

Wild Goose Festival, July 2022, July 2023

Deconstructing Faith Summit, September 22-24, Virtual

Unavoidable Conversations, October 4-6, New Orleans

Post Evangelical Collective, October 11-12, Denver

Theology Beer Camp, October 13-15, Chapel Hill

Evolving Faith, October 14-15, Virtual

White Christian Nationalism and the Future of Democracy, November 18, Denver

Have any more to add to the list? I’d love to know about them and help spread the word. It’s conversations like these that help publishers and authors who are resourcing these communities with good books. And it is from these conversations that good books often come.


David Morris, Publisher